Wednesday 21 April 2021

Album Review: CHEZ KANE


01. Better Than Love
02. All Of It
03. Rocket On The Radio
04. Get It On
05. Too Late For Love
06. Defender Of The Heart
07. Ball N' Chain
08. Midnight Rendezvous
09. Die In The Name Of Love
10. Dead End Street

Best known as the lead singer of the Welsh rock band Kane'd, Chez Kane has released her first solo album via Frontiers Records. Produced and co-written with Crazy Lixx main-man Danny Rexon, Chez's debut solo record is an 80's inspired slab of melodic Hard Rock.

I'll cut to the chase. Her album sounds a lot like early Vixen, but with a more modern sheen. I'm cool with that as those first two Vixen albums are awesome, with my personal preference being the second one, Rev It Up. Anyway, I digress. If you're familiar with that era of music, and also Crazy Lixx, you probably have a very good idea of what this record sounds like. 

OK, so it's retro-as-fuck, but is it any good? The answer is yes. The whole album is completely solid, and there are some killer singles on here. Rocket On The Radio sounds like a mash-up between Poison's Nothing But A Good Time and, unsurprisingly, pretty much anything by Vixen. Too Late For Love is an original song and not a cover of the Def Leppard song of the same name, but does have some very tight backing vocals reminiscent of classic Def Leppard, which give it some massive hooks. 

I also love Ball n' Chain which sounds like early Danger Danger and Bon Jovi. and the mildly heavier All of It. Midnight Rendezvous picks up the pace and reveals itself as another high-quality rocker.

If you're looking for a contemporary record that's full of surprises, this is not for you. If, like me, you grew up with 80's Hard Rock and Heavy Metal, and want to hear a modern artist play that kind of music and do it very well indeed, then you'll probably love this album. It's great fun, very enjoyable, and does exactly what it says on the tin.


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