Tuesday 7 September 2021

EP Review: CREEPER - American Noir


01. Midnight Militia
02. Midnight
03. America At Night
04. Ghosts Over Calvary
05. The Drowning Room
06. One Of Us
07. Damned And Doomed
08. Frozen Night

Creeper's last studio album, Sex, Death & The Infinite Void (click for review) was my favourite album of 2020 (click for list) and sadly, Covid shagged their ability to tour it properly. I was pleased that they had used their down-time wisely and had put together this EP to keep people interested. I loved the first single, Midnight, so I pre-ordered it at the earliest opportunity.

I was also lucky to see them at the Download Pilot (click for review) where songs from both the album and the 'then' upcoming EP were played live for the first time.

Midnight is a Gothic, dramatic masterpiece. It does veer into Meat Loaf territories in places, but the pomp really works. Undeniably infectious, this has become one of my favourite Creeper songs. The guitar solo is phenomenal too, giving me Blue Oyster Cult vibes. I also love how the vocals are split equally between Will and Hannah. Their voices compliment each other, and this song showcases that  perfectly.

America At Night is a chilled piece of dark Americana, full of atmosphere and passion, making for a great 'driving at night' song.

Hannah takes the lead vocal spot on Ghosts Over Calvary and Damned And Doomed. The former is my favourite song on here. Ghosts.. is an upbeat track oozing swagger, and her vocals go into that strained Hard Rock territory which is a real sonic sweet spot. She sounds incredible, and gives a performance that would give Stevie Nicks a run for her money. I think it may possibly be the best song I've heard all year. 

One Of Us is a true outsider anthem that's feels both empowering and reflective. It's yet another ridiculously strong song.

Yes, there are no high-octane Punk songs on here like on the debut album, but they wouldn't really have worked here. I don't know if Creeper will venture back into those waters. If they don't, we have Will's side-project, Salem, which scratches that itch.

Overall, American Noir is awesome, and it's made me very excited to see where the band goes from here.


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