Wednesday 15 May 2019

Album Review: FOREVER STILL - Breathe In Colours

01. Rewind
02. Fight!
03. Breathe In Colours
04. Is It Gone
05. Survive
06. Do Your Worst
07. Pieces
08. Rising Over You
09. Say Your Goodbyes
10. Embrace The Tide
11. Is It Gone (Acoustic Version)
12. Perfect Day (Lou Reed cover)

The last few years have been a crazy ride for Denmark's Forever Still. They were one of the most hard working independent bands on the scene, regularly flying over to the UK to play shows and self-releasing EPs and eventually an album. I had the pleasure of catching them live in Manchester in April 2016 and picked up a copy of their excellent debut album Tied Down. Since then, they've been picked up by premiere Metal label Nuclear Blast, had their debut album re-released and went on a massive European tour supporting Lacuna Coil. It's always nice to see a band like this get the success they deserve.

Now they're back with their sophomore album Breathe In Colours. Everything is 'next level' here. The production is better, the song writing is tighter, and generally the whole project seems more focussed than its predecessor.

Musically, they remind me of a mix of Evanescence and early Flyleaf, but on some serious unhappy pills. Breathe in Colours is a sombre affair and is possibly the last album you'd consider playing at a party. The songs are beautifully crafted and dripping with angst. My personal favourites are the title track, Rewind, and the moving cover of Lou Reed's masterpiece Perfect Day.

Breathe In Colours is the slick, professional record that Forever Still needed to release right now. They've certainly delivered the goods, so it will be interesting to see how much they grow over the coming months, especially considering that they now have such a heavyweight label on their side.


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