Thursday 12 July 2018

Album Review: LETTERS FROM THE FIRE - Letters From The Fire

Letters From The Fire 2018

01. Harley
02. Better Than Here
03. Comfort You
04. Scream
05. Naked In The Rain
06. I Hate Everything
07. Grow Up
08. BS
09. Xplode
10. See You On The Other Side
11. Safe Word

I first discovered Letters From The Fire online about a year ago. I enjoyed what I heard, but shortly after the band announced that they'd parted ways with their lead singer Alexa Kabazie and had recruited Nina Bergman as a replacement. A change in lead singer is always a massive risk for an artist, but in this case, fans can rest easy as Nina is superb.

Letters From The Fire are one of the many female-fronted Hard Rock bands that have popped up in the last few years. They are getting noticed because they are very good at what they do. I'm sure that tours supporting Seether and Black Stone Cherry have also helped them to get plenty of press and reach the masses too.

Musically, they play Heavy Rock with a massive dash of Pop, which gives them a massive amount of commercial potential. Imagine a mix of Diamante, Flyleaf, Paramore and even Pink, throw in a few heavier riffs, give it all a crisp contemporary production, and voila! You have Letters From The Fire.

Their self-titled album (not to be confused with their second EP which is also self-titled - why the fuck do bands do that?) is pretty damn strong throughout. I think they made good choices for the songs to make videos for, as Harley, Comfort You and Naked In The Rain are all stand-out tracks. The angst-heavy Scream, and the more aggressive I Hate Everything, with its monstrous chorus are also personal favourites. The Hip-Hop tinged Grow Up is dark, yet upbeat and is certainly another of this album's highlights. Safe Word is a nice Heavy-but-catchy track to end the record with, and definitely one that'll please the fans who love a bit of Metal.

Letters From The Fire are one of those bands that could be massive, and with a record with this many great songs on, they deserve to hit the big time. I have my fingers firmly crossed for them.


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