Thursday 22 April 2021

Album Review: CANNIBAL CORPSE - Violence Unimagined


01. Murderous Rampage
02. Necrogenic Resurrection
03. Inhumane Harvest
04. Condemnation Contagion
05. Surround, Kill, Devour
06. Ritual Annihilation
07. Follow the Blood
08. Bound and Burned
09. Slowly Sawn
10. Overtorture
11. Cerements of the Flayed

When it comes to classic Death Metal, there are a handful of bands that always spring to mind, and Cannibal Corpse is certainly one of them. They are to the genre what Slayer is to Thrash. Uncompromising, brutal, consistent, and genre defining. 

I can't say I'm a massive fan, but I do like a blast of Cannibal Corpse now and again. From what I've heard of their last few releases, Violence Unimagined seems to be their best for a long time. The production is on-point, and the band give fans everything they've come to expect, and possibly a bit more. All the boxes are certainly ticked. Revolting album cover: tick! Sick and disturbing lyrics: tick! Blast beats, Cookie Monster vocals, and shredding solos: tick!

Murderous Rampage fucking shreds. It's the perfect opener and reminds the listener that Cannibal Corpse have been doing this for a long time and are still kings of Death Metal. I also really like Condemnation Contagion. It has some nice lead guitar work laced amongst the carnage. 

Surround, Kill, Devour is one of the catchier tracks and possibly my favourite. Having said that, it's not exactly a Pop song. It's full of great hooks and a fat groove that my ears locked on to.

If you didn't like them before, I doubt you'll warm to them now. This is full-on Death Metal played by masters of the craft who are clearly making no apologies, and delivering savage tunes that can match  the output of any other band in the genre.


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